The Moon! .Hello Dr. Jim Sowell, GATECH Astronomer/Observatory Director/Principal Academic Professional
I am in awe of the universe, and the planets I keep on my Apple watch face the planets LIVE! I am totally fascinated when I see Jupiter whirl about. Yep it's real. And sometimes when the clouds are not blocking, I see the bright moon.
Let's go a few years back. A Backpack Journalist attending the STEM Event in WASHINGTON, DC, discovered Dr. Jim Sowell, GA Tech and his project with the US Air Force -Aloha Telescope.
Dr. Sowell was here in Charleston at the Stem Festival and many of the A Backpack Journalists attended and were able have a hands-on experience viewing the skies.
So now the Aloha Telescope is on line and January 30th - you can register to follow along and visit the moon from your computer!
Share with your school teachers - families and friends.
Linda Dennis - a sky watcher always, loving the stars and planets!
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