Messages from the Wind...
Years back I was mugged once by a young man, clearly on drugs, with his boxcutter. Had not the wind stopped, I wouldn't have heard the click of the box cutter that prepared me to raise my arm and protect my neck area. As it was, I ended up hugging him and he with his box cutter came down my back, and ultimately I had 50 or stitches there.
However, that's not the important piece of my story. Important is that I am partially deaf in. one ear, and the fact that the wind stood still and that amplified the click so I could quickly prepare myself for danger how to defend myself.
God was there with me. Who else could have stopped the sounds of the wind? I had always asked God in my prayers to keep me safe. He did
So yesterday, this time the wind blew me back away from danger. Imagine this.
I love where I now live in downtown, and nearby is a bus stop that is free. From this stop I can travel to the main terminal and then select a section of the Lowcountry to travel to, and all for a $1! I am senior after all.
Back to the wind. One can hear the roaring sounds of the engine of a large bus coming, even if electric. Did you know that? And now that I live in the city that's one of my familiar sounds of daily life. And this day, I crossed the street in the cross walk, checking and all was clear and made it to the sidewalk. From there I would walk a few more feet to the Bus Stop Sign. However, I sensed I should hesitate.
I could hear the loud engine noise roaring at the corner, The bus turn seemed a little faster than usual an not exactly on the street or lane as usual. Making it near the curb, I stepped to the sidewalk. I looked back to see where the bus was, and there it was speeding fast closer to to me. The driver then saw me! He hit the brakes, and what happened next is best described as a loud screech from the brakes and a strong wind coming around the front of the bus and pressing me down backwards away from the side of the bus.
This time the wind pushed me away from what could have been a horrible accident. Imagine me hitting the bus with full force. No, the wind pushed me back and I fell back on the sidewalk and pavement, away hitting the back of my head, landing on my back. I am not sure if I blacked out for a few seconds, but when I woke, I saw the bus was stopped and my feet within a few inches of the back tire of the large bus. The wind - pushed me down and away. The bus parked, almost on the sidewalk. The driver of the bus was off standing above me and offered his help. Lessons learned - Even on a sidewalk - move away from the edge - and pay attention for fast moving busses.
And, be blessed for God and his wind that protected me that day!
Now, after 10 hours in the MUSC Emergency Room, in a hospital with all the beds filled, I was given the greatest of care. Cat Scan confirmed no brain bleeds, but a nice size Hematoma on the outside of the back of my head. Rest.
I did not share my Wind theory with the Doctors, but one did share with me - "how lucky I was that backward falls are most often the worst." I did learn that there are no black areas on my brain, and brain in good shape. Now to keep on walking and enjoying and listening to the wind.
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