
Showing posts from 2024

A day with Ms Amy - enchanting and filled with Christmas joy!

  After days with COVID, finally well, and looking forward to my day with Ms. Amy.  So here is the backstory.  First my relationship with MS. Amy began with me helping taking her home after our Wednesday night service. I lived nearby, and the short ride was always filled with talking about the lesson learned that night.  Then we sat near in Sunday church, and more Wednesday night.  Over time she and I shared a lot of ourselves and I met an older women filled with great faith, prayer and wit and could speak on  about any topic.  Well-read. A collector of books, and that we had in common for sure! And I did so enjoy our time together, and once I asked her out of lunch "my treat" and she quickly corrected me - 'no we go dutch so we can go more often." First to reassure her family, no secrets shared, but I did learn about a young girl growing up in a family in the south loved by her father and mother in the 1930's - 1950's, and her namesake Aunt Amy, belov...

Soon - in September - we see a day - and It's a National Day of Service - 9/11

Why now?  In assembling THE BOOK, my personal memories, I reached out to many, and one that responded was a colleague that we had worked with at the GI Film Festival in Washington, DC many years back.  It was a great experience as the "backpackers" attended the film screenings and held interviews. Today, she is with the Gary Sinise Foundation.  A reflection:  So many people today were not born on that day in September 11, 2001.  The aftermath changed our nation.  I was in our editorial offices for the PC Teach It Magazine in the customer service area.  We had televisions up mounted on the wall and watched in honor as the first plane went into the tower.  Then the second.  We sent all home following. I called my daughter.  She was in 100 miles away, and immediately she went home, and a  closest friend came to stay.  I packed a bag and drove to Columbia to be with my family.  Fear, we were headed into war and what was next?...
  This book is our "Pay it forward" - an inspiration for teachers and parents and those who work with children/kids in the afterschool or camps.  We provide lesson plans and templates of easy use and reproduction. The first half of the book, we share how we served military kids all around the United States and then came home to Charleston, and had the help of Mayor Joe Riley to integrate into the Charleston Promise Neighborhood. During our time serving the inner city kids, we covered the city, and within the pages of this book and our video pages, we share alot about the historical values of Charleston.   Charleston RiverDogs are within the pages, along with Larry Doby Lesson Plan, and interview with Mike Veeck. New book (237 pages) is out on August 12.   "A Backpack Journalist"  - stories about youth impacted by the program, plus lesson plans and templates, and a review by *Dr. Fred Medway on the positive effects of this afterschool program and a mili...

While walking by the Charleston Harbor...there in the distance THE TRINDAD! A Spanish galleon educational ship!

 Here is to a late afternoon walk at the Charleston Harbor, and seeing in the distance the Spanish Flag flying over this magnificent ship. the TRINIDAD!  A few years back I along with a group of my summer camp kids had toured this ship,  and it's back! I was invited on board and Paulo - gave me a quick tour, and with my iPhone I was able to capture a few of the interior areas of the TRINIDAD!  THERE IS A VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE: INFO BELOW FROM THEIR WEBSITE: Story The Nao Victoria Foundation is a non-profit entity specializes in promoting and spreading historical events, which are supported by the construction of historical ships (the Nao Victoria, El Galeón and the Nao Santa María) that are sailed throughout the world’s ports. The vessels are a powerful, unique and very attractive marketing and educational platform that have been used successfully to support great world events during the last decade. Our vessel...
Before me under glass was the George Chicken Diary of 1715.  Normally this type of a rare find is kept in archival storage but for this special event:  Diaries & Drinks, several rooms had on display many historic diaries. The writing all cursive, and the prose when I could read, sounded "old English". Just like my Grandmother Mamie would have written, always so formal. Eliza Lucas Pinckney(1739-1762)  her letters now found in a book is shown here standing next to Cassique of the Kiawah's in an interactive exhibit.  Eliza is given credit for the development of "blue or indigo" and a manager of several plantations for her family.  Her letters are most interesting and tell the story of her life and those around her. I did purchase the book, and not sure on what shelf that is overflowing it will rest, when I am not reading it. Many say I have to many books.?  Cassique of the Kiawah's has long been a favorite historical hero of mine.  We have traveled m...

His Truth is Marching On - Concert a Celebration of Faith & Patriotism & Memorial Day

  Memorial Day has always been an important day in my life.  I always try to find a special event that memorializes those that gave up their lives for our freedoms in conflicts.  May 30, 1868 was the first day honoring the fallen,  and note the date, following the Civil War. And, I might add that growing up through the years, I was always reminded by Grandmother Mamie, with her two sons having served in World War II and her Uncle having died in service, that I should be more reverent as May 30 is of all days -my birthday.  In years past, I was able to attend the Rolling Thunder Event in Washington, DC and then followed by the Freedom - Musical performances on the Washington Mall (Lt. Dan Band was there). All in one weekend! Charleston, South Carolina, Saturday May 25, 2024 Beginning my day visiting a Vietnam Veteran, his wife and daughter was humbling. Their family has had a series of serious illnesses and fighting to get through it - to better health.  He ...

The White Shirt

  A White Shirt The Charleston wind blew through my porch the day that Stan Foxworthy came to take a photograph of me for the book.  First and foremost, I do not like to sit still for a period of time, and for a photograph.  I would have loved to have had kids with me, or reading, or anything but sitting still and smiling. The white shirt.   That morning Stan called and said “see you shortly”.  I had on a white shirt, and standing by, my black turtleneck and a bright pink jacket.  Stan, a master of light, took one look at my porch area, felt the wind blowing through and said – “perfect!”.  “Sit he said”.  And forgetting that I had on this white shirt, well, we started. So let me explain further.  There is an old southern saying that often as we age,  we the daughter, begin to look like our mothers and take on their visual habits – ie what they would often wear! . So there I am with a white shirt on, smiling, the wind blowing through -and...

a Book has been commissioned!

For immediate release:   The A Backpack Journalist program for afterschool and summer camps is closing at the end of June.   A book has been commissioned that covers the years of service for military families and their children, and then also the local outreach that began with the City of Charleston and moved to other schools as an afterschool program.    In Spring of 2023, a group of African American youth graduated from high school that were in the first A Backpack Journalist class at Sanders Clyde,  A celebration was held.    Today there is a large group of young adults that attended the A Backpack Journalist Military Youth Symposiums that are in professional writing careers that include the Washington Post, writers for professional musicians, as missionaries on the border and in Australia and serving in Germany for Military and Young Life and Club Beyond.     Within the pages of this book the stories are ab...

Today with Mayor John J. Tecklenburg

February 13, 2024  Earlier today I spent time with Mayor Teck, and shared with him,  first the number of times that he visited over his years as Mayor - with the Backpack Journalist, and how as a Leader -"He showed up!".   When asked the new graduates about what they enjoyed the most during our eight to ten year together, they all agreed:  "well we got to meet the Mayor, and he came.  Even the time he. made you cry." The snipet of photo here is from a letter he provided to all the Backpack Journalist graduates this Spring, and as they each said: "we'll treasure for ever." In the book underway, Mayor Tecklenburg and his staff often supported our requests as we traveled the city.  We went from a Homeless event at the Gaillard, to the Film Summer Camp, to visiting City Hall multiple times and even we learned how to do the Charleston.  There were parades, and a visit to the Four  Corners of Law.  We even filmed the Mayor sharing with us the backg...

Let me introduce Daniel Masterpiece Jones

PTSD WON'T STOP ME!  This video project was commissioned in 2011.  After a final approval, DVD's were provided to the Department of Defense -  Resources for PTSD Support/Mental Health services.   Why now?   Recently while on my journey to meet again many of the young people who were in the A Backpack Journalist program, learned that this video is now being shared though the Survivorship Corp for the US Army by the contract office and the Chaplaincy Corp. (housed at Fort Jackson). This department is involved when a servicemember passes away, and assists the family with all the death benefits offered by the Department of Defense. Now as a measure to help family members learn more about the effects of PTSD, they are sharing this link.   Also now with the Yellow Ribbon Events for military families, this PTSD presentation is presented BEFORE the service member deploys, and may be shared once home. As you view the ending, the message that all the Nashville peop...

Here goes writing in a phone booth..

 Off the a look alike phone booth. It's working, gathering and writing non stop for 3-4 hours. I can only say that my journals are in tact, with dates, and correct spelling thanks to spell check. Where did I store my journals going back 10 years, within my emails. Can you imagine how the tech people look at me when they see my thousands of emails. Are you sure you want to keep these?  Glad I is an example of what can now be shared. More to come. Friday, September 18, 2015 - Burke High School - Mayor of Charleston open forum Can you imagine a reporter asking a person campaigning for an office, a question and stipulating (asking nicely in this case)  that they can only respond in three sentences - basically to summarize?  (in other words, simply answer and to get to the point?) Well, that's what happened tonight, in a classroom at Burke High School.   Our team of SIX Backpack Journalists in a classroom stood, introduced themselves -with t...

The Moon! .Hello Dr. Jim Sowell, GATECH Astronomer/Observatory Director/Principal Academic Professional

 Hello Aloha Moon -  🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 I am in awe of the universe, and the planets  I keep on my Apple watch face the planets LIVE!  I am totally fascinated when I see Jupiter whirl about.  Yep it's real.  And sometimes when the clouds are not blocking, I see the bright moon.   Let's go a few years back. A Backpack Journalist attending the STEM Event in WASHINGTON, DC, discovered Dr. Jim Sowell, GA Tech and his project with the US Air Force -Aloha Telescope. Dr. Sowell was here in Charleston at the Stem Festival and many of the A Backpack Journalists attended and were able have a hands-on experience viewing the skies. So now the Aloha Telescope is on line and January 30th - you can register to follow along and visit the moon from your computer! Share with your school teachers - families and friends. Linda Dennis - a sky watcher always, loving the stars and planets!

Now off the 3 and 3506 words written

  /Today I finished up the introduction.  For 5 hours in this area designed like phone booth. I found a quiet that made it easy for me to as they say:  "pound the keys".  And my friend who encouraged me to "go off the grid" was so right!  While I can't say the words came easy, but they indeed seemed to find the memories and bring them back in full color. Where did I find and connect with so many people that helped launch the A Backpack Journalist program? Well, it started believe it or not with offering arts and crafts to 2000 children as they went to work with their parents at The Pentagon on the "TAKE YOUR CHILDREN TO WORK DAY".   Pallets of craft supplies were loaded into one of the most secure buildings in America.  All donated by vendors who were supplying to Walmart, Michaels and Hobby Lobby. Many vendors came also, and one of my favorite pictures is of Danny and his girlfriend and me all with bright red aprons on and lots of smiles.  I shou...

Going off the grid ..sorta - hope to be back the end of March..

Dear family, friends and neighbors: I have found I have to go away and out of sight in order to finish this book.  ( On Becoming a Backpack Journalist - a catalyst to finding oneself.  For teens and just about anyone in search! - working title only...)  From an idea: "Teaching writing and journaling to help the stresses of deployment for families and teens"  - to weeks of Rand research and a Pilot agreed upon by a National Guard state, the A Backpack Journalist program was set to launch. Supported by research by Dr. Fred Medway, USC Psychology Researcher on the effects of deployment on families and children. Remember 9/11? Following 2001 - 2011, many deployed to serve our nation in war,  from the Reserve Components of our US Military, leaving  family and kids behind. Next in 2013 - 2022 -we were home in Charleston, SC with Civilian Kids in Title One or local schools. Military and civilian kids who spent time in the A Backpack Journalist program as teen...

Messages from the Wind...

 Years back I was mugged once by a young man, clearly on drugs, with his boxcutter.  Had not the wind stopped, I wouldn't have heard the click of the box cutter that prepared me to raise my arm and protect my neck area.  As it was, I ended up hugging him and he with his box cutter came down my back, and ultimately I had 50 or stitches there.   However, that's not the important piece of my story.  Important is that I am partially deaf in. one ear, and the fact that the wind stood still and that amplified the click so I could quickly prepare myself for danger how to defend myself.   God was there with me.  Who else could have stopped the sounds of the wind?  I had always asked God in my prayers to keep me safe.  He did So yesterday, this time the wind blew me back away from danger.  Imagine this.  I love where I now live in downtown, and nearby is a bus stop that is free.  From this stop I can travel to the main terminal and then...