This book is our "Pay it forward" - an inspiration for teachers and parents and those who work with children/kids in the afterschool or camps. We provide lesson plans and templates of easy use and reproduction.
The first half of the book, we share how we served military kids all around the United States and then came home to Charleston, and had the help of Mayor Joe Riley to integrate into the Charleston Promise Neighborhood.
During our time serving the inner city kids, we covered the city, and within the pages of this book and our video pages, we share alot about the historical values of Charleston.
Charleston RiverDogs are within the pages, along with Larry Doby Lesson Plan, and interview with Mike Veeck.
New book (237 pages) is out on August 12. "A Backpack Journalist" - stories about youth impacted by the program, plus lesson plans and templates, and a review by *Dr. Fred Medway on the positive effects of this afterschool program and a military support program for youth affected by deployment. After serving military youth during deployment, we came home and began within the Charleston Promise Neighborhood, then moved over to the City of Charleston. Recreation location: St.Julian Devine. From there lots of adventures and partnerships within the Lowcountry to include the Charleston RiverDogs, the SC Port Authority, Hendrick Automotive and Autometrics with Brad Davis and Mayor Joe Riley and Mayor John Tecklenburg, Scott Watson, the Cultural Affairs, the City of Charleston and Rep. Bakari Sellers, Columbia, SC and Garcia Williams, Charleston, SC.
Included within the pages to mention a few: Brianna Tucker, Deputy Campaign Editor/Washington Post, Victor LaBozzetta from Apple Education, Col. (ret.) Kevin Shwedo, Director SC DMV, Linda Lowry, Gary Sinise Foundation, National Guard and US Army Reserves Youth leadership and Daniel Masterpiece Jones. SC Military Department/SC National Guard & the Collection of SC Vietnam Veterans/histories. The Citadel Krause Center/Dr. Conway Saylor and Col.(ret.) Myron Harrington, Board of Visitors.
A sampling of few of the students from our service to Military kids: Daniel Masterpiece Jones, US Army Reserve (ARTP), Hannah Rauhut, US Army, Jordan Jennings, US Army, Jessica Taylor, Kansas National Guard, Cameron, US Army and the program: Club Beyond!
A sampling of students from CCSD: Gavin Lahmon, Emma Abrams, Trinity Hutzler, Stephan Smith, Amir Wells, Dorian Bell, Jaden Smith, Madison and Katie Sheffield, Tyler Bowen, and parents.
*Dr. Fred Medway, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina - provided the qualitative results from the feedback from the "Backpack Journalists" and their parents and leaderships from various partnerships.
Linda Dennis - August 6, 2024
Preorder Book - on Amazon - August 12, 2024!
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