March 5, 2020
Beginning again. A busy year, and now busier. Yesterday, after sitting down with a theologian and sharing my desire to seek a sabbatical, he commented, "well, you are on one. The whales - are God's wonder! That is your sabbatical."
Sitting back deep into the wingback chair, I realized that he was so right. As I reflected over the past 6 months of working with the beautiful whale films from Ocean Alliance, and doing research via N.O.A.A Fisheries and then sharing with 180 students, I recalled the feelings of wonder and awe I felt.
Many times, the students and I would watch the whales play in the water and the Mama and her calve swim closely together, and more than one time, with all engaged with eyes on the large Smart Board Screen. Never tiring of watching the large Blue Whale in the ocean coming up and down, playing it appeared. Lots of blow coming up also. Then I, collecting the questions and trying to answer them from the students sitting on the carpet before me. Just loved their curiosity.
Weekly, my involvement with a class on CS Lewis' Screwtape Letters, chapter by chapter, has allowed me to go back and read again this book, and to have each letter - "unpacked" line by line and discussed by a theologian who is indeed a CS Lewis' scholar, although not yet recognized.
Screwtape letters was written in 1942 or so, but so much of Lewis' writings apply to today. In one letter, Lewis speaks to spending time enjoying nature, God's creation. This going back to nature is for certain a direct way to connect with God, Jesus and to have the beauty of it all take away any stresses of the day. Lewis was so right! (Plus it keeps Screwtape out on one's life! btw not familiar with this description of the devil? Highly recommend reading the book).
While the Ocean Alliance Scientists are out in the Sea of Cortez now collecting the Whale's snot to study for their DNA, stress levels, pregnancy hormones, we here have been enjoying the beauty, grace from God's creation!
Thank you dear new friends, for bringing alive for me and hundreds of students visual images of the majestic blue whale and the ocean's that they live in. Looking forward to the research that you gather!
Linda Dennis - sabbatical ongoing.
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