Here goes writing in a phone booth..
Off the a look alike phone booth. It's working, gathering and writing non stop for 3-4 hours. I can only say that my journals are in tact, with dates, and correct spelling thanks to spell check. Where did I store my journals going back 10 years, within my emails. Can you imagine how the tech people look at me when they see my thousands of emails. Are you sure you want to keep these? Glad I is an example of what can now be shared. More to come. Friday, September 18, 2015 - Burke High School - Mayor of Charleston open forum Can you imagine a reporter asking a person campaigning for an office, a question and stipulating (asking nicely in this case) that they can only respond in three sentences - basically to summarize? (in other words, simply answer and to get to the point?) Well, that's what happened tonight, in a classroom at Burke High School. Our team of SIX Backpack Journalists in a classroom stood, introduced themselves -with t...