So how was it?

Once is was the weather that we all talked about. You can remember when it was the humidity/the heat, the King Tide and the flooding.

Now it's Covid. The media and government told us - it's a bad one virus, and one to be wary of.  We were told we needed a vaccine to help protect us, and work was underway to get it out soon. Then it was whether to take the vaccine or not?  To wear the mask or not.  Which medical spokesperson is right, or wrong? To many politicians are involved.  Countries around the world started reporting in, lots of conflicting reports. Where does one place trust in information?

I remember vividly the day that Covid, that virus from China, took over as I was in the classroom sharing the beauty of Ocean Alliance's 4K footage of whales by Christian Miller.  The students loved the films, and fast became Ocean Conservationalist.  That day in March 2020, the classroom teacher said quietly, we are going virtual.  More tonight in your email.

In the months that followed, our government "helped",  gave us free money to live on, as all businesses pretty much were closed, and working from home mandated. Staying isolated at home surely would keep us safe.  Enough about the history of what happened.

So, January 2021, I got the vaccine, and then the second shot.  I wore the mask, and washed my hands.  Never ate out, even when the restaurants slowly opened. Kept my kitchen really clean, and others parts of my home, sanitized also.  Pretty much had very little interaction with my family, and the afterschool students in a class.

Alas,  October - 2020, schools tried to re-open, and lots of openings via Kelly Services, and off I went.  Not once did I get infected, and often had a Covid test to be sure I did not pick it up.  All schools were sanitized and we all wearing masks, with plastic shields on desks.

Summer Camps filled with students and masks, and sanitized classrooms.  Wonderful times, and not once a Covid infection.

Back to school, wonderful thinking afterschool students would be back joining Backpack Journalist.  We began, with two classes - MIMES and Storytelling.  Classroom sanitized, masks on all.  Covid tests negative.

BOOM.  Yep, got it.  In the interview with DHEC, they dug into:
where did you go, who did you see, what did you do.  They wanted to find out where I could have picked this up.  

As I shared with the DHEC person, I do not have a heavy social life, it just me, I visit my family and the week that I was diagnosed - the only different experiences I had had was working within the walls of an "assisted living" facility.  Odd, DHEC person responded.  My positive Covid test was not reported by them, it was found by MUSC.  "NO, I responded".  I was first informed on the positive test by the assisted living personnel.They took the test there -Tuesday, when I entered, and it was "negative" and then on Friday it was positive.  UGH. Not one time did I find a negative test working in the school.

The journey to recovery - beating COVID

MUSC, in Charleston is where my internist practices, and she immediately began to prescribe my "back to health from COVID"  plan. As follows:  Rest, Drink lots of fluids,  keep a check on fever, use Tylenol and perhaps the most important, make sure your oxygen levels reads at least 92 or above and if it goes below 91, go to the emergency room. So how did I manage this:   a PULSE OXIMETER.  Thank you AMAZON - as within  24 hours I had one on my porch.  

My doctor focused on keeping me out of the hospital, and next I was prescribed to take an infusion of the Monoclonal Antibody Infusion, as this type of therapy helps the body fight the progression of COVID in the body.  So by day 4, I had the infusion, and then I slept, drank a lot of healthy fluids, and began to look for soups and added in protein.  I actually hard boiled a dozen eggs, and then ate them over a 2 week time frame.

So how was it?  Best described as having a heavy net wrapped around me, weighed me down.  Even when I was laying down, it was there. Yes perhaps a bit like an intense flu, lots of muscle ache.  Then lost my sense of taste.  At times I could not even find the peanut butter in the chocolate ice-cream. 

Odd was the fact that prior to Covid getting me, I did have a funny, slight pain in my lower back, but it went away.  COVID was dominant. 

So I am told: no longer contagious after day 7, but you may need at least 2 weeks, to recover, and now they are saying you sleeping a lot, is probably due to you needing it.

So the hand made greeting card (GET WELL SOON) from Hank, and his use of his Mom's phone sending me text messages of little kitties, and then my creative colleagues who often sent text, and calls - "yes I hear it in your voice?".  My step-mother who also called often to check on me. And of course my beloved daughter, who left food supplies at my door, inspite of being so busy with a house remodel due to mold.  All of these "checking on you" helped my recovery inspite of the isolation required.  Thanks to all of you.

Well, COVID, I did not need for you to find me, but you did.  Prayers to anyone who does not have the  best health care as I had, and for that I am grateful. 



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