Hesitating and then the wind...
They say that three times is a charm. A charm? Tonight while traveling back to Mt. Pleasant, the third time was almost a terrible broadside collide. Let me explain.
Hesitate and then the wind..
While traveling in Houston, a colleague and I were traveling back to the airport. We stopped at the intersection, and when the light changed to green, were to turn left onto the main highway. Checking both the left and right, no cars were visible but something did not feel correct. Like I could hear the wind. About the time we were to turn left, a white car came zooming by. We were barely into the intersection when this white car went through the red light at a high rate of speed. Slamming on my brakes, he missed us, and then not to far behind, came the red flashing lights with no sound, came the police car.
Next, one early Sunday morning, while waiting on my Mother to appear for a short beach trip, out of the bushes and at the top of her steps, stood a tall man. As he began to jump off the steps, it seemed the wind stopped and I could hear the clicking of what I thought was a box cutter. Hearing the click, allowed me to raise my arm against his fall, and next, due to some upper body strength as a result of kayaking, I was able to get him to the ground. Only a minor injury, with the wind stopping allowing me to hear the click.
And tonight. Folly Road that heads out to Folly Beach has 4 lanes, and is known for those who always seem to be in a hurry. Tonight was no different. So what if I had the right away? When someone runs a red light and causes the wreck. Would it not be better to just avoid it all? So there I was at the corner, with the light turning green, I was the first to go out into the intersection. There was a large black Tahoo behind me, and I could see in my rear view mirror that he was in a rush, leaning into his steering wheel, and flashing his lights at me. Again, something did not feel right. There was one car stopped in the far right lane, following the red light rule. As I eased out, here came the feeling of the wind, and I swerved to miss the speeding orange car in the left lane. Hitting my brakes, the car behind me swerved to miss rear-ending me, only to see what had just flown by. No police this time evident.
So now it's three times. Each time in the world about, the universe was so kind to allow me to hear movement, while the object was not evident. Dear God, thank you. So what are the plans for me?
I am listening, with prayers.
Linda Dennis
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