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Our Holy City - Reflections |
Early in the day, 2 teachers and myself and 18 African American boys (3 were Backpack Journalists from Sanders Clyde) had our last waffle breakfast at the student center of Voorhees College. We had spent 3 days exercising learning more about football plays. Evenings were spent together in the dorm, in open discussions about how to grow up, safely, as a African American youth. Dr. Cleveland Sellers and his son, Bakari Sellers also spoke to our group. It was an amazing few days!
June 18, 2015
Exhausted from the days before, awoke up late to news radio, and at first I thought I was in another world. Thus began the journey that we, the Backpack Journalists, walked in following the murder of 9 people at Mother Emanuel Church Bible study. We attended many of the prayer sessions, visited the church with flowers and messages, and at one point, was ushered into the NBC trailer to view their production at the same time a parade of protestors were walking down to the church. We talked often and shared feelings. We observed Mayor Riley, the local police with Chief Mullen grieve along with us. The African American Community along with the clergy came together to help keep out the violence that could have come. The world marveled at our Charleston, as we learned that there would be more to come in the healing process.
Sept 21, 2015 - Signs of Charleston, SC is a compilation of the messages by the "Backpackers" that our citizens assembled as we all came together, with our clergy, city, police, and area businesses. The link is here: https://youtu.be/WFfzrZl4wXk
Following the Charleston Police Fund began the conversation between the Charleston citizenry and the police through a project called: The Illumination Project. There were listening sessions. Chief Mullen and many of the Charleston Police attended, supported by Mayor Joe Riley. We attended many, and filmed a few.
The Illumination Project collected for two years the data, and changes were made along the way. The reports are still on line. https://www.charleston-sc.gov/1436/Charleston-Illumination-Project.
As I read through them again, CHANGES were made. The Charleston Police worked more in the communities. We heard often that many of the older citizens felt safer. They continued to offer summer youth camps throughout the city. The Backpackers supported a photography session at one of these. So we know first hand.
The City of Charleston listened and that was continued forward by Mayor John Tecklenburg and Chief Luther Reynolds.
May 30, 2019
We grieve for the loss of Mr. Floyd. We are watching now as the policeman are charged. All four are now arrested and charged.
We understand the need and respect that some people have for peaceful protesting, and expressing their grief and then bringing forward their concerns. .
At Backpack Journalists we do not join in as a group, as it is the decision of the parent/guardian to advise their child/student. We heartily support each person researching the cause, making sure those involved your parent would wish you to be with. Example: look to your left or right, pay attention to any words that you are uncomfortable with and be safe. Understand what you are asking for and endorsing by participating. Notable: many of the signage here in Charleston contained language that could not be shown on television.
What began as a peaceful gathering in Marion Square was hijacked by people to loot and destroy our city. The list of businesses and historic buildings is to long to include here. Security cameras in place managed to capture pictures of those that participated in the thefts and destruction. The owners are angry and rightfully so. The City Police were overwhelmed.
Worse, via facebook and live streaming we could watch it all happen! Horror. Seeing large groups of people on live streaming being directed to run the Charleston streets, picking up the stones and bricks to throw and break windows, and then running in and out of the Apple Store. One scene was a man in a red hat directing the mob to move up to King Street. Clearly anarchy on our streets.
There was a young man who jumped on top of the police car, breaking the front window and then back. One could hear in the background a person yelling- "That is not what this is about!"
The organizers of the peaceful protest, how did they loose control. I found many who attended the protest in Marion Square but left before the looting, wrote poignant statements about their experience in the afternoon, and then their own horror of the looting - "Not our Charleston". Those that took over were clearly there to loot, even one photo shows a young woman with soft suitcases over her shoulder gathering from a store.
Where were the clergy that day? Many with facebook postings now? Now, we see white youth joining in the peaceful protests and often asking for what has already been given and supported heavily, and often not even realizing where City Hall is?
Mayor John Tecklenburg and his administration have supported our diverse community in multiple ways from continued support of the police working in the neighborhoods, to grants for projects that benefited the African American populations and provided expanded education opportunities, partnerships with the College of Charleston, the IAAM and the local youth camps provided by the City of Charleston Police. We, the Backpackers from our afterschool programming and summer camps, were there often participating and volunteering. Our friends, at local area businesses providing great experiences showing the possibilities for a great future for any youth, white or black, simply staying in school and not participating in any crime.
The elephant in the room has always been poverty, and the way out, clearly is education and sharing the opportunities and what it takes! Offering moral support to all who wish to "go for it!".
The days ahead will reveal more about the night of May 30th and the early morning hours. Arrests have begun. We begin to heal again, and this time, with more dedication and this time keeping an eye open for the silent moments.
Prayers now for family of Mr. Floyd, and all in our Holy City.
Matthew 15:10-20
Linda Dennis, Volunteer Program Manager for A Backpack Journalist
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