Dancing on the Ceiling Tonight in chatting with a friend and colleague about our new sleeping habits, I described to her that I had been "Dancing on the ceiling." She laughed, and we then discussed how we both had always been great sleepers and never, never had any trouble sleeping, or falling asleep. So now she says: "I am asleep by 8 and up early, like before the sun comes up. So I have discovered a wonderful walking path by the DNR location that borders the inland waterways. It's just beautiful and I watch the sun come up." Made me wish I was there with her. So now back to my dancing on the ceiling. No, I am not counting sheep, but visually first counting the sprayed on paint, and then shutting my eyes and going back into my memory for some of my favorite places I have visited, and enjoyed. I love taking lots of photos, and whether it's on my phone, or by camera. I have taken photos of windows, columns, front doors and even ceilin...