Happy April 1st - Fools Day! Go away Crono

April 1, 2020 In reading today, I learned that even google is doing away with jokes and pranks for April 1st - often referred to as April Fool's Day. Life is to serious now with the Cronovirus traveling all over the world and now our nation, and so close to home. No jokes please they say. Time to shelter in for thirty days. Why the picture above? That's me at 5 years old, with my younger brother at 3. My father gave us this for our backyard to play in. He was a big guy and could not fit through the door, and that's about the only memory that I found as I ran across this picture today, sorting and still preparing to move. The other memory was of the day that same brother sitting next to me decided to build a camp fire inside. No, did not burn down the dollhouse, but did leave a dark brown burn on the floor. Daddy's birthday was on April 1, and he would have been 95 this year. He would not have enjoyed this year...