Fireworks as Art???

Fireworks as art! As a young child my first frightful experience with fireworks was when my younger brother was walking down the hall at my Grandmother's house on Adger Road and he popped into his mouth what he thought was a piece of round candy. Nope it was a round look alike, and when you throw it to the pavement it would POP! Bobby ended up at the emergency room, and for days could not eat or sleep. Then, my best friend when I was I think 10, she was playing with a Sparkler, and her short top caught fire, and you might guess the rest. I was there, and thus, following no more fireworks for me! During my career past, had many occasions to learn about the negative effects of the sound and sights of fireworks. Service members coming back from the deployment often came home unable to hear these sounds from the lighting of the fireworks. It was too close to the sounds of multiple firing of the weapons and war. A reminder, and coming home with PTS and often Sec...