His Truth is Marching On - Concert a Celebration of Faith & Patriotism & Memorial Day

Memorial Day has always been an important day in my life. I always try to find a special event that memorializes those that gave up their lives for our freedoms in conflicts. May 30, 1868 was the first day honoring the fallen, and note the date, following the Civil War. And, I might add that growing up through the years, I was always reminded by Grandmother Mamie, with her two sons having served in World War II and her Uncle having died in service, that I should be more reverent as May 30 is of all days -my birthday. In years past, I was able to attend the Rolling Thunder Event in Washington, DC and then followed by the Freedom - Musical performances on the Washington Mall (Lt. Dan Band was there). All in one weekend! Charleston, South Carolina, Saturday May 25, 2024 Beginning my day visiting a Vietnam Veteran, his wife and daughter was humbling. Their family has had a series of serious illnesses and fighting to get through it - to better health. He ...